East Tennessee Natural Gas Notice 158893

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TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Capacity Constraint
04:03:23 PM

No response required

ETNG Pipeline Conditions for 2/17/2025

Notice Text:

For Gas Day February 17, 2025, East Tennessee Natural Gas (ETNG) has approved and scheduled nominations at each pipeline segment and meter station up to ETNG's operational capacity. The following locations have been restricted due to requested nominations exceeding ETNG's operational capacity:

Restricted Locations Scheduled and Sealed Priority % Restricted Notes
IT 3B 3A 2B 2A 1
Topside East Yes                
Boyds Creek Yes

Upstream Stations 3104 (Dixon Springs) and 3206 (Lewisburg)
100% 100% 100%

Receipts 3100 Delivering to 3200
100% 100% 100%

Dels East of Sta 3313 (Rural Retreat) on the 8" and 12" Lines
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Dels to Meters 59204/59304
100% 100% 100%

Rural Retreat
100% 100% 100%

OFO / Imbalance Notice

OFO No DP - 3300 Line for all meters east of Boyds Creek issued February 16, 2025.   500 Dth / 2% Tolerance.
OFO No DP - 3200 Line for all meters between Tracy City and Topside as well as all meters on the 3500 Line issued February 16, 2025.   500 Dth / 2% Tolerance.
Customer Specific OFO ---

Imbalances Warnings ---

Systemwide Notes:

Maximum Allowable Delivery Service (MAD) will be in effect for Gas Day February 17, 2025, in accordance with Section 7 of Rate Schedule LMS-MA of its FERC Gas Tariff.  The unauthorized overrun charges for exceeding MAD will remain in effect until further notice.  

Furthermore, ETNG may restrict all secondary nominations at the Texas Eastern interconnects (MR 59330 and 59329)  to reserve for the swing rights contemplated in Section 7 of its LMSMA Rate Schedule. 

ETNG will not assess an Unauthorized Overrun charge on a Balancing Party unless the quantity of gas by which the Balancing Party exceeds its MAD is more than the greater of 500 DTH or 2% of MAD.

Balancing Parties MAD will be calculated in the following manner:

MAD = (A+B)-C

A = The sum of the MDQs at all Primary Delivery Points for all firm contracts covered by the Balancing Party's Balancing Agreement (excluding any firm rights from the Transporter's LNG facility at Kingsport, TN and/or from Primary Receipt Points on Transporter's system at which Transporter does not have swing capability).

B = Any other quantities scheduled by Transporter at a point covered by the Balancing Party's Balancing Agreement (including any firm quantities scheduled for delivery from Transporter's LNG facility at Kingsport, TN and/or from Primary Receipt Points on Transporter's system which Transporter does not have swing capability).

C = Quantities scheduled at secondary Delivery Points under firm contract that name a point covered by the Balancing Parties Balancing Agreement as a Primary Delivery Point (excluding any firm rights from Transporter's LNG facility at Kingsport, TN and/or Primary Receipt Points on Transporter's system at which Transporter does not have swing capability). 

To access primary firm quantities eligible for inclusion in each balancing party's MAD, please refer to the MAD Reporting System on the LINK system customer interface.

If necessary, ETNG will utilize any provision of its tariff to ensure system integrity including the issuance of customer specific or system wide OFOs.

Customers are advised that capacity may become available as the nomination and confirmation process continues throughout the day.

Please contact your Operations Account Representative should you have any questions.

TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Capacity Constraint
04:03:23 PM

No response required

ETNG Pipeline Conditions for 2/17/2025

Notice Text:

For Gas Day February 17, 2025, East Tennessee Natural Gas (ETNG) has approved and scheduled nominations at each pipeline segment and meter station up to ETNG's operational capacity. The following locations have been restricted due to requested nominations exceeding ETNG's operational capacity:

Restricted Locations Scheduled and Sealed Priority % Restricted Notes
IT 3B 3A 2B 2A 1
Topside East Yes                
Boyds Creek Yes

Upstream Stations 3104 (Dixon Springs) and 3206 (Lewisburg)
100% 100% 100%

Receipts 3100 Delivering to 3200
100% 100% 100%

Dels East of Sta 3313 (Rural Retreat) on the 8" and 12" Lines
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Dels to Meters 59204/59304
100% 100% 100%

Rural Retreat
100% 100% 100%

OFO / Imbalance Notice

OFO No DP - 3300 Line for all meters east of Boyds Creek issued February 16, 2025.   500 Dth / 2% Tolerance.
OFO No DP - 3200 Line for all meters between Tracy City and Topside as well as all meters on the 3500 Line issued February 16, 2025.   500 Dth / 2% Tolerance.
Customer Specific OFO ---

Imbalances Warnings ---

Systemwide Notes:

Maximum Allowable Delivery Service (MAD) will be in effect for Gas Day February 17, 2025, in accordance with Section 7 of Rate Schedule LMS-MA of its FERC Gas Tariff.  The unauthorized overrun charges for exceeding MAD will remain in effect until further notice.  

Furthermore, ETNG may restrict all secondary nominations at the Texas Eastern interconnects (MR 59330 and 59329)  to reserve for the swing rights contemplated in Section 7 of its LMSMA Rate Schedule. 

ETNG will not assess an Unauthorized Overrun charge on a Balancing Party unless the quantity of gas by which the Balancing Party exceeds its MAD is more than the greater of 500 DTH or 2% of MAD.

Balancing Parties MAD will be calculated in the following manner:

MAD = (A+B)-C

A = The sum of the MDQs at all Primary Delivery Points for all firm contracts covered by the Balancing Party's Balancing Agreement (excluding any firm rights from the Transporter's LNG facility at Kingsport, TN and/or from Primary Receipt Points on Transporter's system at which Transporter does not have swing capability).

B = Any other quantities scheduled by Transporter at a point covered by the Balancing Party's Balancing Agreement (including any firm quantities scheduled for delivery from Transporter's LNG facility at Kingsport, TN and/or from Primary Receipt Points on Transporter's system which Transporter does not have swing capability).

C = Quantities scheduled at secondary Delivery Points under firm contract that name a point covered by the Balancing Parties Balancing Agreement as a Primary Delivery Point (excluding any firm rights from Transporter's LNG facility at Kingsport, TN and/or Primary Receipt Points on Transporter's system at which Transporter does not have swing capability). 

To access primary firm quantities eligible for inclusion in each balancing party's MAD, please refer to the MAD Reporting System on the LINK system customer interface.

If necessary, ETNG will utilize any provision of its tariff to ensure system integrity including the issuance of customer specific or system wide OFOs.

Customers are advised that capacity may become available as the nomination and confirmation process continues throughout the day.

Please contact your Operations Account Representative should you have any questions.