Empire Pipeline Capacity Meters - Points
Source LinkAll information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.
Capacity Meters: Points | Segments
ID | Loc | Flow | Meter |
STORINJ | Excess Injection | D |
BYRONTO | Byron TO Plant | D |
012000010 | TCPL - Chippawa* | D |
012003010 | NFGSC - Grand Island* | D |
012003020 | NFGSC - Pendleton* | D |
012003015 | NFGSC - Wheatfield* | D |
012004010 | NYSEG - Royalton* | D |
012005010 | USGC - Oakfield* | D |
012001010 | RG&EC - Mendon* | D |
012004020 | NYSEG - Arcadia* | D |
012006100 | DTI - Lysander* | D |
012002020 | NG - Phoenix Line 39 - Ni Mo* | D |
012002010 | NG - Phoenix Line 63 - Sithe* | D |
412856 | TGP - Hopewell* | D |
022008610 | GPL - Milo | D |
022008810 | MPCL - Corning* | D |
022009010 | NFGSC - Tuscarora* | D |
IMBALANCE | EMPIRE - Imbalance Point | D |