Empire Pipeline Notice 1140702

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TSP Name: Empire Pipeline, Inc. - Critical Notice

TSP: 609775049

                                                                                                                        Post Date: 2/11/2025
                                                                                                                        Post Time: 01:53:00PM CCT
Notice Type: Curtailment, Planned Service Outage, Scheduling Alert
                                                                                                                        Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1140702
Notice Status: 2
Notice Eff Date/Time: 5/21/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 6/3/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID: 1133088

Subject: Jackson & Corning Station Outages: May 2025 - Revision 2
Notice Text
Jackson & Corning Station Outages: May 2025 - Revision 2

Outages at Jackson compressor station have been moved from April to May 2025, and additional restrictions at Corning have been added.

Jackson compressor station will be out of service 5/21/2025 (GD21) through 5/22/2025 (GD22). This will result in an estimated 30-35% curtailment of primary receipts from
Tuscarora (022009010), NFG Midstream Covington (EPRU91111), and Repsol Oil & Gas (EPRU91101).

To accommodate work at the interconnect station, Corning (022008810) receipts and deliveries will be unavailable 5/21/2025 (GD21) through 5/22/2025 (GD22).

A single unit at Jackson station will be out 5/23/2025 (GD23) through 6/2/2025 (GD2). No curtailment is expected at this time.

Updates will be provided as available.

********** Prior Notice Below **********

Jackson Station Outages: April 2025 - Revision 1

Outages at Jackson compressor have been moved from March to April 2025, and outage dates have been finalized:

Total station outage: 4/22/2025 (GD22) through 4/23/2025 (GD23) - Estimated 40-45% curtailment of primary receipts
from Tuscarora (022009010), NFG Midstream Covington (EPRU91111), Repsol Oil & Gas (EPRU91101), and Corning (022008810).

Single unit outage – 4/24/2025 (GD24) through 5/3/2025 (GD3) : No curtailment expected at this time.

Empire Pipeline will work with upstream operators to limit the impact of these outages to shippers.

Updates will be provided as they become available.

********** Prior Notice Below **********

Jackson Station Outages – March 2025

Jackson compressor station will require the following outages in March 2025:

Total station outage – 2 days: Estimated 40-45% curtailment of primary receipts from Tuscarora (022009010), NFG Midstream Covington (EPRU91111),
Repsol Oil & Gas (EPRU91101), and Corning (022008810).

Single unit outage – up to 10 days: No curtailment expected at this time.

These outages will occur consecutively and in the order listed. Empire Pipeline will work with upstream operators to limit the
impact of these outages to shippers.

Updates, including specific outage dates, will be provided as they become available.

TSP Name: Empire Pipeline, Inc. - Critical Notice

TSP: 609775049

Post Date: 2/11/2025
Post Time: 01:53:00PM CCT
Notice Type: Curtailment, Planned Service Outage, Scheduling Alert
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1140702
Notice Status: 2
Notice Eff Date/Time: 5/21/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 6/3/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID: 1133088

Subject: Jackson & Corning Station Outages: May 2025 - Revision 2
Notice Text
Jackson & Corning Station Outages: May 2025 - Revision 2

Outages at Jackson compressor station have been moved from April to May 2025, and additional restrictions at Corning have been added.

Jackson compressor station will be out of service 5/21/2025 (GD21) through 5/22/2025 (GD22). This will result in an estimated 30-35% curtailment of primary receipts from
Tuscarora (022009010), NFG Midstream Covington (EPRU91111), and Repsol Oil & Gas (EPRU91101).

To accommodate work at the interconnect station, Corning (022008810) receipts and deliveries will be unavailable 5/21/2025 (GD21) through 5/22/2025 (GD22).

A single unit at Jackson station will be out 5/23/2025 (GD23) through 6/2/2025 (GD2). No curtailment is expected at this time.

Updates will be provided as available.

********** Prior Notice Below **********

Jackson Station Outages: April 2025 - Revision 1

Outages at Jackson compressor have been moved from March to April 2025, and outage dates have been finalized:

Total station outage: 4/22/2025 (GD22) through 4/23/2025 (GD23) - Estimated 40-45% curtailment of primary receipts
from Tuscarora (022009010), NFG Midstream Covington (EPRU91111), Repsol Oil & Gas (EPRU91101), and Corning (022008810).

Single unit outage – 4/24/2025 (GD24) through 5/3/2025 (GD3) : No curtailment expected at this time.

Empire Pipeline will work with upstream operators to limit the impact of these outages to shippers.

Updates will be provided as they become available.

********** Prior Notice Below **********

Jackson Station Outages – March 2025

Jackson compressor station will require the following outages in March 2025:

Total station outage – 2 days: Estimated 40-45% curtailment of primary receipts from Tuscarora (022009010), NFG Midstream Covington (EPRU91111),
Repsol Oil & Gas (EPRU91101), and Corning (022008810).

Single unit outage – up to 10 days: No curtailment expected at this time.

These outages will occur consecutively and in the order listed. Empire Pipeline will work with upstream operators to limit the
impact of these outages to shippers.

Updates, including specific outage dates, will be provided as they become available.