Empire Pipeline Notice 1144034

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TSP Name: Empire Pipeline, Inc. - Critical Notice

TSP: 609775049

                                                                                                                        Post Date: 2/24/2025
                                                                                                                        Post Time: 09:06:00AM CCT
Notice Type: Other
                                                                                                                        Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1144034
Notice Status: 1
Notice Eff Date/Time: 2/24/2025 10:30:00AM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 3/31/2026 01:00:00PM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID:

Subject: Retainage Adjustment Notification Pursuant to Section 3 of Empire Pipeline, Inc.’s FSNN and ISS Rate Schedules
Notice Text
On February 21, 2025, National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation (NFGSC) filed its 2025 Annual
Retainage Adjustment Filing under GT&C § 41. Pursuant to § 3.4(b) of Empire's FSNN Rate
Schedule and § 3.6(b) of Empire's ISS Rate Schedule, Empire must provide notice of any proposed
change filed by NFGSC that Empire is authorized to track under its rate schedule, including the
expected effect on Empire's retainages, within three (3) business days of Empire's receipt of such
filing by NFGSC.

In its filing, NFGSC proposed adjustments, including an increase in its Transportation Fuel and
Company Use Retention (TFUR) from 0.78% to 0.91%, and an increase in its Transportation LAUF
Retention (TLAUFR) from 0.31% to 0.59%. In addition, NFGSC proposed Storage Operating and
LAUF Retention (SOLR) to remain the same at 0.84%. Upon FERC's acceptance of these changes,
the retainage applicable to Empire's FSNN and ISS customers will be adjusted accordingly.
Empire's Storage Injection Operating and LAUF Retention will increase from 1.93% to 2.34%.
Empire's Storage Withdrawal Operating and LAUF Retention will remain the same at 0.84%.

TSP Name: Empire Pipeline, Inc. - Critical Notice

TSP: 609775049

Post Date: 2/24/2025
Post Time: 09:06:00AM CCT
Notice Type: Other
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1144034
Notice Status: 1
Notice Eff Date/Time: 2/24/2025 10:30:00AM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 3/31/2026 01:00:00PM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID:

Subject: Retainage Adjustment Notification Pursuant to Section 3 of Empire Pipeline, Inc.’s FSNN and ISS Rate Schedules
Notice Text
On February 21, 2025, National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation (NFGSC) filed its 2025 Annual
Retainage Adjustment Filing under GT&C § 41. Pursuant to § 3.4(b) of Empire's FSNN Rate
Schedule and § 3.6(b) of Empire's ISS Rate Schedule, Empire must provide notice of any proposed
change filed by NFGSC that Empire is authorized to track under its rate schedule, including the
expected effect on Empire's retainages, within three (3) business days of Empire's receipt of such
filing by NFGSC.

In its filing, NFGSC proposed adjustments, including an increase in its Transportation Fuel and
Company Use Retention (TFUR) from 0.78% to 0.91%, and an increase in its Transportation LAUF
Retention (TLAUFR) from 0.31% to 0.59%. In addition, NFGSC proposed Storage Operating and
LAUF Retention (SOLR) to remain the same at 0.84%. Upon FERC's acceptance of these changes,
the retainage applicable to Empire's FSNN and ISS customers will be adjusted accordingly.
Empire's Storage Injection Operating and LAUF Retention will increase from 1.93% to 2.34%.
Empire's Storage Withdrawal Operating and LAUF Retention will remain the same at 0.84%.