Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Notice 158986
Source LinkAll information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.
TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. (U.S.)
Critical notice
08:31:05 AM
08:31:05 AM
Operational Flow Order
08:31:05 AM
No response required
MNUS Operational Flow Order -- LIFTED EFF 2/19
Effective 9:00 AM CCT February 19, 2025, Maritimes & Northeast (M&N) is lifting the Operational Flow Order issued on February 17, 2025.
Please refer to the table below for the effected M&N operational areas, dates, and tolerance percentages:
Operational Area |
Gas Day February 17 and February 18 |
Gas Day February 19 and until further notice |
System Wide |
No Due Pipe OFO 2% / 2,000 |
No OFO |
Customer Specific |
No OFO |
No OFO |
Please contact your Operations Account Representative if you have any questions.
TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. (U.S.)
Critical notice
08:31:05 AM
08:31:05 AM
Operational Flow Order
08:31:05 AM
No response required
MNUS Operational Flow Order -- LIFTED EFF 2/19
Effective 9:00 AM CCT February 19, 2025, Maritimes & Northeast (M&N) is lifting the Operational Flow Order issued on February 17, 2025.
Please refer to the table below for the effected M&N operational areas, dates, and tolerance percentages:
Operational Area |
Gas Day February 17 and February 18 |
Gas Day February 19 and until further notice |
System Wide |
No Due Pipe OFO 2% / 2,000 |
No OFO |
Customer Specific |
No OFO |
No OFO |
Please contact your Operations Account Representative if you have any questions.