Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Operationally Available Capacity

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ID Loc Flow QTI Zone DC OPC TSQ OAC IT All Reason
30001 DRACUT INTERCONNECT - ESSEX CO. MA. (REC 30016) D DPQ 569,430 569,430 63,484 505,946 Y Y
30002 Tennessee - Haverhill Essex Co. MA D DPQ 88,012 88,012 0 88,012 N Y
30005 Westbrook-Granite State ,Cumberland Co.,ME D DPQ 34,575 34,575 420 34,155 N Y
30007 PSNH - Granite State Newington ,Rockingham Co.,NH D DPQ 64,293 64,293 0 64,293 N Y
30009 CASCO BAY D DPQ 146,340 146,340 0 146,340 N Y
30014 BAILEYVILLE BORDER M&R (OUT - WASHINGTON CO. ME (REC. 30012) D DPQ 700,000 700,000 254,220 445,780 Y Y
30017 Bangor Gas - Bucksport (Orrington) D DPQ 94,927 94,927 200 94,727 N Y
30018 BANGOR GAS - VEAZIE D DPQ 94,927 94,927 11,967 82,960 Y Y
30019 MAINE NATGS D DPQ 75,000 75,000 9,450 65,550 N Y
30022 Newington Power Meter Station D DPQ 90,000 90,000 0 90,000 N Y
30023 MAINE NATGS D DPQ 12,910 12,910 8,117 4,793 N Y
30025 Beverly-Salem Essex Co. MA (Bi-Dir 30035) Flow South D DPQ 720,200 720,200 270,337 449,863 Y Y
30027 National Grid-Haverhill Meter Station (ESSEX,MA) D DPQ 70,274 70,274 0 70,274 N Y
30028 Northern Utilities-Cotton Rd Delivery - Androscoggin Co, ME. D DPQ 63,361 63,361 10,710 52,651 N Y
30032 Maine Natural Gas _ Pownal - Cumberland Co. , ME D DPQ 128,000 128,000 500 127,500 N Y
30033 Woodland Pulp D DPQ 26,000 26,000 12,374 13,626 Y Y
30047 Maine Nat Gas - Windsor, Kennebec Co, ME D DPQ 118,691 118,691 1,435 117,256 N Y
30048 Summit Natural Gas - Pittston D DPQ 329,805 329,805 13,015 316,790 Y Y
30049 Summit Natural Gas of Maine-Cumberland D DPQ 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 N Y
30056 South Berwick Granite State D DPQ 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 N Y
35006 PNGTS (REC.30006/DEL.30026) D DPQ 0 0 0 0 N Y
35052 XPRESS NAT GAS ELIOT BIDIR ACCT MTR D DPQ 13,250 13,250 0 13,250 N Y
39201 SALEM LATERAL CUSTODY TRANSFER POINT D DPQ 115,000 115,000 26,694 88,306 Y Y