Pine Prairie Energy Center Operationally Available Capacity

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ID Loc Flow QTI Zone DC OPC TSQ OAC IT All Reason
33333 Acadia SW SWQ N/A 220,000 220,000 -148,554 71,446 Y
490941/490940 ANR_ML2 BD STQ N/A 600,000 600,000 69,832 530,168 Y
766185/766184 ANR_SE BD STQ N/A 600,000 600,000 -67,808 532,192 Y
4205 CGT_Mainline BD STQ N/A 900,000 797,000 -38,673 758,327 Y
55555 Coughlin SW SWQ N/A 150,000 150,000 -94,525 55,475 Y
na Facility STQ NA 74,000,000 68,000,000 63,596,664 4,403,336 Y
78457/78456 FGT_ZN2 BD STQ N/A 400,000 400,000 -29,932 370,068 Y
44404 KM LA Pipeline BD STQ N/A 900,000 600,000 -150,245 449,755 Y
75524 TETCO_WLA BD STQ N/A 600,000 600,000 24,432 575,568 Y
421043 TGP_800L BD STQ N/A 900,000 900,000 6,352 893,648 Y
9003442 Transco Z3 BD STQ N/A 900,000 900,000 -78,307 821,693 Y
9115 Tx_Gas_SL BD STQ N/A 900,000 600,000 196,976 403,024 Y