Sabal Trail Transmission Critical Notices

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Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
Capacity Constraint 03/06/25 03/07/25 03/08/25 159650 STT Pipeline Conditions for 3/7/2025
Capacity Constraint 03/03/25 03/04/25 03/05/25 159527 STT Pipeline Conditions for 3/4/2025
Capacity Constraint 02/19/25 02/19/25 05/20/25 159068 STT Alexander City Compressor Station Unplanned Outage -- COMPLETE
Capacity Constraint 02/19/25 02/20/25 02/21/25 159043 STT Pipeline Conditions for 2/20/2025
Capacity Constraint 02/19/25 02/19/25 05/20/25 159032 STT Alexander City Compressor Station Unplanned Outage
Capacity Constraint 02/17/25 02/18/25 02/19/25 158956 STT Pipeline Conditions for 2/18/2025
Other 01/02/25 01/06/25 04/02/25 157155 STT Imbalance Warning -- EFF 1/6/2025