Sierrita Gas Pipeline Critical Notices

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All information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.

Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
OVER-UNDER PERFORMANCE 08/25/24 08/25/24 08/26/24 622573 Sierrita Performance Cap Lift
OVER-UNDER PERFORMANCE 08/25/24 08/25/24 08/26/24 622567 Sierrita Performance Cap
MAINTENANCE 08/20/24 08/20/24 08/21/24 622525 Preliminary September 2024 Maintenance
RATES AND CHARGES 08/12/24 08/12/24 08/13/24 622440 Sierrita Quarterly Fuel and LU Sep 2024
MAINTENANCE 07/17/24 07/17/24 07/18/24 622216 Preliminary August 2024 Maintenance
COMPUTER SYSTEM STATUS 07/09/24 07/09/24 07/10/24 622122 DART Connection Issues Update
COMPUTER SYSTEM STATUS 07/09/24 07/09/24 07/10/24 622115 DART Connection Issues
MAINTENANCE 06/18/24 06/18/24 06/19/24 621888 Preliminary July 2024 Maintenance