Southern Natural Gas Critical Notices

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All information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.

Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/20/25 01/20/25 01/21/25 710302 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-21-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/20/25 01/20/25 01/21/25 710301 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-21-2025
OVER-UNDER PERFORMANCE 01/20/25 01/20/25 01/21/25 710300 Location Off Rate - Various- 01-20-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/20/25 01/20/25 01/21/25 710298 Update #2 Pipeline Conditions 01-20-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/19/25 01/19/25 01/20/25 710297 Update Pipeline Conditions 01-20-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/19/25 01/19/25 01/20/25 710296 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-20-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/19/25 01/19/25 01/20/25 710295 Update #2 Pipeline Conditions 1-19-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/18/25 01/18/25 01/19/25 710294 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-19-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/18/25 01/18/25 01/19/25 710293 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-19-2025
MAINTENANCE 01/18/25 01/18/25 01/19/25 710292 Unsched. Unit Outage - Gallion Seg 440
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/17/25 01/17/25 01/18/25 710291 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-18-2025
MAINTENANCE 01/17/25 01/17/25 01/18/25 710290 Outage Comp. - SEG 490 Thomaston West
MAINTENANCE 01/17/25 01/17/25 01/18/25 710289 Outage Comp.- SEG 430 Enterprise
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/17/25 01/17/25 01/18/25 710288 OFO T3 L1 South UPGRADED 01-19-2025
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/17/25 01/17/25 01/18/25 710287 OFO T3 L1 North UPGRADED 01-19-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/16/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 710285 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-17-2025
MAINTENANCE 01/16/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 710284 Outage Impact Report
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/16/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 710283 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-17-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/16/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 710282 Anticipated Pavo SEG710BH Restriciton
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/15/25 01/15/25 01/16/25 710280 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-16-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/15/25 01/15/25 01/16/25 710279 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-16-2025
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/15/25 01/15/25 01/16/25 710276 OFO T3 L2 North DOWNGRADED 1-16-25
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/15/25 01/15/25 01/16/25 710275 OFO T3 L2 South DOWNGRADED 1-16-25
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/14/25 01/14/25 01/15/25 710274 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-15-2024
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/13/25 01/13/25 01/14/25 710272 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-14-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/13/25 01/13/25 01/14/25 710271 Update Pipeline Conditions 01-13-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/12/25 01/12/25 01/13/25 710268 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-13-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/12/25 01/12/25 01/13/25 710267 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-12-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/11/25 01/11/25 01/12/25 710266 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-12-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/10/25 01/10/25 01/11/25 710265 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-11-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/10/25 01/10/25 01/11/25 710264 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-11-2025
MAINTENANCE 01/10/25 01/10/25 01/11/25 710263 Completion of Outage at Wrens Seg 560
MAINTENANCE 01/10/25 01/10/25 01/11/25 710262 Completion of Outage at 560 Hall Gate
MAINTENANCE 01/09/25 01/09/25 01/10/25 710257 Outage Impact Report
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/09/25 01/09/25 01/10/25 710256 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-10-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/08/25 01/08/25 01/09/25 710254 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-09-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/08/25 01/08/25 01/09/25 710252 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-09-2025
STORAGE 01/08/25 01/08/25 01/09/25 710251 SNG ISS Storage Restriction - Lifted
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/08/25 01/08/25 01/09/25 710250 ID1 Update Pipeline Conditions 01-08-25
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/08/25 01/08/25 01/09/25 710246 OFO T3 L1 South Upgraded 01-09-2025
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/08/25 01/08/25 01/09/25 710245 OFO T3 L1 North Upgraded 01-09-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/07/25 01/07/25 01/08/25 710244 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-08-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/07/25 01/07/25 01/08/25 710243 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-08-2025
MAINTENANCE 01/07/25 01/07/25 01/08/25 710242 Unsched Outage SEG 560 Hall Gate
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/07/25 01/07/25 01/08/25 710241 ID1 Update Pipeline Conditions 01-07-25
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/06/25 01/06/25 01/07/25 710237 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-07-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/06/25 01/06/25 01/07/25 710236 Revised Pipeline Conditions 01-07-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/06/25 01/06/25 01/07/25 710235 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-07-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/05/25 01/05/25 01/06/25 710233 Updated Pipeline Conditions 01-06-25
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/05/25 01/05/25 01/06/25 710232 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-06-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/04/25 01/04/25 01/05/25 710231 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-05-2025
MAINTENANCE 01/04/25 01/04/25 01/05/25 710230 Outage Completion - York Segment 440
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/03/25 01/03/25 01/04/25 710228 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-04-2025
STORAGE 01/03/25 01/03/25 01/04/25 710226 ISS Restrictions - Update # 5
MAINTENANCE 01/02/25 01/02/25 01/03/25 710225 Outage Impact Report
MAINTENANCE 01/02/25 01/02/25 01/03/25 710224 Outage Completion - Gwinville Seg 400
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/02/25 01/02/25 01/03/25 710223 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-03-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/02/25 01/02/25 01/03/25 710222 Updated Pipeline Conditions 1-2-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/01/25 01/01/25 01/02/25 710219 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-02-2025
MAINTENANCE 01/01/25 01/01/25 01/02/25 710218 Unsched. Outage-Wrens Seg 560
MAINTENANCE 01/01/25 01/01/25 01/02/25 710217 Unsched. Outage Gwinville Comp. Seg 400
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/31/24 12/31/24 01/01/25 710216 Pipeline Conditions as of 01-01-2025
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 12/31/24 12/31/24 01/01/25 710213 OFO T3 L1 E of Enterprise Eff 01-02-2025
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 12/31/24 12/31/24 01/01/25 710212 OFO T3 L1 E of Reform Eff 01-02-2025
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/30/24 12/30/24 12/31/24 710211 Pipeline Conditions as of 12-31-2024
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/29/24 12/29/24 12/30/24 710209 Pipeline Conditions as of 12-30-2024
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/28/24 12/28/24 12/29/24 710208 Pipeline Conditions as of 12-29-2024
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/27/24 12/27/24 12/28/24 710207 Pipeline Conditions as of 12-28-2024
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/26/24 12/26/24 12/27/24 710205 Updated Pipeline Conditions 12-27-2024
MAINTENANCE 12/26/24 12/26/24 12/27/24 710204 Update Unsch Outage SEG 490 Thomaston W.
MAINTENANCE 12/26/24 12/26/24 12/27/24 710203 Outage Impact Report
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/26/24 12/26/24 12/27/24 710202 Pipeline Conditions as of 12-27-2024
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/25/24 12/25/24 12/26/24 710200 Pipeline Conditions as of 12-26-2024
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/24/24 12/24/24 12/25/24 710199 Pipeline Conditions as of 12-25-2024
MAINTENANCE 12/24/24 12/24/24 12/25/24 710198 Unsched Outage SEG 490 Thomaston West