Southern Natural Gas Notice 710349

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TSP/TSP Name:  6900518-SOUTHERN NATURAL GAS CO. Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  MAINTENANCE Notice Type Desc (2):  MAINTENANCE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  01/30/2025 6:35:49PM Notice End Date/Time:  01/31/2025 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  1/30/2025 6:35:49 PM Notice ID: 710349
Reqrd Rsp:  1 Rsp Date:  01/30/2025
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Outage Extension - Seg490 - Ellerslie
Notice Text:

Unscheduled Unit Outage – Ellerslie Compressor Station (Segment 490 – Ellerslie) Update #1

The unscheduled unit outage at the Ellerslie compressor station (Segment 490 – Ellerslie) located in Harris County, GA, referenced on Southern's weekly EBB postings has been extended. As a result, Segment 490 (Ellerslie) capacity of 1,663 Mdth/d will remain impacted by
30 Mdth/d until further notice. Return to service is unknown currently. Based on current system demand, an impact to Interruptible and Out of Path nominations may be necessary.   

We will continue to update as more information is known.


Please continue to reference our weekly EBB postings. If you have any questions, please contact your Scheduling Representative or Account Manager.


SNG Gas Control

TSP/TSP Name:  6900518-SOUTHERN NATURAL GAS CO. Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  MAINTENANCE Notice Type Desc (2):  MAINTENANCE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  01/30/2025 6:35:49PM Notice End Date/Time:  01/31/2025 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  1/30/2025 6:35:49 PM Notice ID: 710349
Reqrd Rsp:  1 Rsp Date:  01/30/2025
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Outage Extension - Seg490 - Ellerslie
Notice Text:

Unscheduled Unit Outage – Ellerslie Compressor Station (Segment 490 – Ellerslie) Update #1

The unscheduled unit outage at the Ellerslie compressor station (Segment 490 – Ellerslie) located in Harris County, GA, referenced on Southern's weekly EBB postings has been extended. As a result, Segment 490 (Ellerslie) capacity of 1,663 Mdth/d will remain impacted by
30 Mdth/d until further notice. Return to service is unknown currently. Based on current system demand, an impact to Interruptible and Out of Path nominations may be necessary.   

We will continue to update as more information is known.


Please continue to reference our weekly EBB postings. If you have any questions, please contact your Scheduling Representative or Account Manager.


SNG Gas Control