Spire Storage West Operationally Available Capacity

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ID Loc Flow QTI Zone DC OPC TSQ OAC IT All Reason
14004 Kern Whitney Canyon WD SW SWQ N/A 155,800 155,000 -60,289 94,711 Y
24021 KernRiverINJCLR SI SIQ N/A 77,500 77,500 823 76,677 Y
14011 KernRiverWDCLR SW SWQ N/A 105,000 105,000 -15,360 89,640 Y
1252414 MountainWest Overthrust BB INJ SI SIQ N/A 344,000 344,000 47,008 296,992 Y
1252413 MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline BB WD SW SWQ N/A 344,000 344,000 0 344,000 Y
278840 MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline CLR SW SWQ N/A 80,000 80,000 0 80,000 Y
278841 MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline INJCLR SI SIQ N/A 80,000 80,000 0 80,000 Y
1252411 MountainWest Pipeline SI SIQ N/A 210,000 210,000 0 210,000 Y
1252410 MountainWest Pipeline BB Storage WD SW SWQ N/A 210,000 210,000 -22,000 188,000 Y
1260328 NWPL Double D INJ SI SIQ N/A 75,000 40,000 5,000 35,000 Y
1260326 NWPL Double D WD SW SWQ N/A 75,000 75,000 -19,350 55,650 Y
na Reservoir STQ NA 39,000,000 22,750,000 12,517,533 10,232,467 Y
801215 RUBY INJ Gemstone Canyon SI SIQ N/A 400,000 400,000 10,000 390,000 Y
801215 Ruby WD Gemstone Canyon SW SWQ N/A 400,000 400,000 -15,000 385,000 Y