KM Tejas Pipeline Critical Notices

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Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
CAPACITY CONSTRAINT 09/05/24 09/05/24 09/14/24 203684 INDEX 520-100 SOUTH TO NORTH RESTRICTION
STORAGE 07/09/24 07/09/24 07/10/24 203673 STORAGE RESTRICTIONS FINAL UPDATE
STORAGE 07/08/24 07/08/24 07/09/24 203670 STORAGE INJECTIONS UPDATE
STORAGE 07/07/24 07/07/24 07/08/24 203669 STORAGE INJECTIONS
OTHER 07/02/24 07/02/24 07/08/24 203666 4th of July Holiday Nominations
FORCE MAJEURE 09/26/05 09/26/05 09/27/49 200970 Update on Storage Capabilities