KM Tejas Pipeline Notice 200970

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TSP/TSP Name:  Critical:  Notice Type Desc (1):  Notice Type Desc (2):  Notice Eff Date/Time:  Notice End Date/Time:  Post Date/Time:  Notice ID:  Reqrd Rsp:  Rsp Date:  Notice Stat Desc:  Prior Notice:  Subject: 
Notice Text:
TSP/TSP Name:  Critical:  Notice Type Desc (1):  Notice Type Desc (2):  Notice Eff Date/Time:  Notice End Date/Time:  Post Date/Time:  Notice ID:  Reqrd Rsp:  Rsp Date:  Notice Stat Desc:  Prior Notice:  Subject: 
Notice Text:
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TSP/TSP Name:  Critical:  Notice Type Desc (1):  Notice Type Desc (2):  Notice Eff Date/Time:  Notice End Date/Time:  Post Date/Time:  Notice ID:  Reqrd Rsp:  Rsp Date:  Notice Stat Desc:  Prior Notice:  Subject: 
Notice Text:
TSP/TSP Name:  Critical:  Notice Type Desc (1):  Notice Type Desc (2):  Notice Eff Date/Time:  Notice End Date/Time:  Post Date/Time:  Notice ID:  Reqrd Rsp:  Rsp Date:  Notice Stat Desc:  Prior Notice:  Subject: 
Notice Text:
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