Texas Eastern Transmission Notice 151767

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TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Operational Flow Order
08:50:50 AM

No response required

TE Customer Specific Operational Flow Order

Notice Text:

As previously posted, Texas Eastern Transmission LP (TE) has limited flexibility to manage imbalances. Therefore, in order to maintain the operational integrity of the system TE is issuing an Operational Flow Order (OFO) pursuant to Section 4.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of its Tariff effective 9:00 AM CCT August 27, 2024, for certain delivery point parties on the TE system. TE has contacted the affected parties.

This OFO does not affect the ability of TE to receive or deliver quantities of gas for scheduled nominations to any customer or pipeline.

During the effectiveness of this OFO, all parties must be balanced such that actual deliveries of gas out of the system must be equal to or less than scheduled deliveries out of the system for the associated meters on the above listed OBA contract. The penalty shall apply to each dekatherm of actual delivery quantities that exceeds the greater of 500 Dth or 102% of scheduled delivery quantities.

The individual OFO(s) will remain in effect until further notice.

Please call your Account Manager if there are questions pertaining to this notice.

TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Operational Flow Order
08:50:50 AM

No response required

TE Customer Specific Operational Flow Order

Notice Text:

As previously posted, Texas Eastern Transmission LP (TE) has limited flexibility to manage imbalances. Therefore, in order to maintain the operational integrity of the system TE is issuing an Operational Flow Order (OFO) pursuant to Section 4.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of its Tariff effective 9:00 AM CCT August 27, 2024, for certain delivery point parties on the TE system. TE has contacted the affected parties.

This OFO does not affect the ability of TE to receive or deliver quantities of gas for scheduled nominations to any customer or pipeline.

During the effectiveness of this OFO, all parties must be balanced such that actual deliveries of gas out of the system must be equal to or less than scheduled deliveries out of the system for the associated meters on the above listed OBA contract. The penalty shall apply to each dekatherm of actual delivery quantities that exceeds the greater of 500 Dth or 102% of scheduled delivery quantities.

The individual OFO(s) will remain in effect until further notice.

Please call your Account Manager if there are questions pertaining to this notice.