Texas Eastern Transmission Notice 157936

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TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
Critical notice
02:49:03 PM
02:49:03 PM
Capacity Constraint
02:49:03 PM

No response required

TE LaRose Compressor Station Unplanned Outage

Notice Text:

Texas Eastern (TE) has experienced various unplanned compressor outages along its Line 40 in TE's East Louisiana (ELA) Zone. At the current time, TE's LaRose Compressor Station remains unavailable.  


The return to service timeframe for LaRose is not known and TE will provide an update as soon as more information is known.


This outage results in a capacity for nominations flowing south on Line 40 through the stations below as follows:


Reduced to approximately

South of New Roads   900,000 Dth/d

White Castle               900,000 Dth/d

LaRose                        900,000 Dth/d


No restrictions to current scheduled quantities are required for Gas Day January 22, 2025 at this time.    TE will take the reduction of capacities into consideration during the timely cycles for future gas days beginning Gas Day January 23, 2025. 


TE will post further updates to the status of the repairs as soon as it is known.


Please contact your Operations Account Representative if you have any questions.


TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
Critical notice
02:49:03 PM
02:49:03 PM
Capacity Constraint
02:49:03 PM

No response required

TE LaRose Compressor Station Unplanned Outage

Notice Text:

Texas Eastern (TE) has experienced various unplanned compressor outages along its Line 40 in TE's East Louisiana (ELA) Zone. At the current time, TE's LaRose Compressor Station remains unavailable.  


The return to service timeframe for LaRose is not known and TE will provide an update as soon as more information is known.


This outage results in a capacity for nominations flowing south on Line 40 through the stations below as follows:


Reduced to approximately

South of New Roads   900,000 Dth/d

White Castle               900,000 Dth/d

LaRose                        900,000 Dth/d


No restrictions to current scheduled quantities are required for Gas Day January 22, 2025 at this time.    TE will take the reduction of capacities into consideration during the timely cycles for future gas days beginning Gas Day January 23, 2025. 


TE will post further updates to the status of the repairs as soon as it is known.


Please contact your Operations Account Representative if you have any questions.