Transco Notice 14628681

Source Link

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Critical: Y
Notice Eff Date: 05/30/2024
Notice Eff Time: 08:46:47 CDT
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
Notice ID: 14628681
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice Type Desc: Maint
Post Date: 05/30/2024
Post Time: 08:46:47 CDT
Prior Notice: 0
Reqrd Rsp Desc: Immediate response required of an operational nature may be required of impacted shippers
Rsp Date:
Rsp Time:
TSP: 007933021

Notice Text:

Subject: żJune 2024 Maintenance Jobs Reminder

As a reminder, the following maintenance jobs listed below will be ongoing/starting in June 2024. Click the links to see each posting. The postings are subject to change and updates will be posted under Critical Notices on Transco’s Informational Posting page. 


Station 54 Washington Storage (Updated)

June 25, 2024 through June 27, 2024 

Update Washington Storage Semi-Annual Outage: Job #123181 


Station 60 (Updated) 

May 6, 2024 through Until Further Notice 

Station 60 Update 


Station 80 

May 6, 2024 through June 17, 2024 

Station 80 (Job 185598) Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary 


Station 100 

May 20, 2024 through June 3, 2024 

Station 100 (Job 108926) Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary 


Station 120 

June 10, 2024 through July 16, 2024 

Station 120 (Job #61895) Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary 


Station 150 

May 13, 2024 through June 7, 2024 

Station 150 (Job 906387) Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary 


Station 175 

June 6, 2024 through July 17, 2024 

Station 175 (Job 557156) 2024 Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary  


Station 185 

June 24, 2024 through June 28, 2024 

Station 185 (Job 464441) 2024 Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary 


Station 190 (Updated)  

May 29, 2024 through May 31, 2024: 

Station 190 (Job 815976) 2024 Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary 


June 11, 2024 through June 21, 2024 

Station 190 Line Outage (Job 704825) Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary 


Station 520 

May 6, 2024 – TBD 

Station 520 (Job 425118) 2024 Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary