Transco Pipeline Operationally Available Capacity - Storage

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Operationally Available Capacity: Points | Segments | Storage | Zones

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ID Loc Flow QTI Zone DC OPC TSQ OAC IT All Reason
1002686 CARLSTADT LNG STG MP 1825.73 BD STQ 6 1,837,772 1,837,772 1,821,592 16,180 Y
1002689 EMINENCE EESWS & ES MP 713.92 BD STQ 4 6,974,162 6,974,162 4,922,851 2,051,311 Y
1002687 WASHINGTON STORAGE MP 542.06 BD STQ 3 77,625,000 77,625,000 63,422,905 14,202,095 Y
1002686 CARLSTADT LNG STG MP 1825.73 SI SIQ 6 9,190 9,190 276 8,914 Y
1002689 EMINENCE EESWS & ES MP 713.92 SI SIQ 4 149,661 149,661 24,719 124,942 Y
1002687 WASHINGTON STORAGE MP 542.06 SI SIQ 3 362,734 362,734 130,345 232,389 Y
1002686 CARLSTADT LNG STG MP 1825.73 SW SWQ 6 352,595 352,595 0 352,595 Y
1002689 EMINENCE EESWS & ES MP 713.92 SW SWQ 4 1,242,000 1,242,000 126,488 1,115,512 Y
1002687 WASHINGTON STORAGE MP 542.06 SW SWQ 3 913,235 913,235 14,845 898,390 Y