Transco Notice 15268386
Source LinkAll information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.
Critical: | Y |
Notice Eff Date: | 01/06/2025 |
Notice Eff Time: | 09:00:00 CST |
Notice End Date: | |
Notice End Time: | |
Notice ID: | 15268386 |
Notice Stat Desc: | Initiate |
Notice Type Desc: | OFO |
Post Date: | 01/02/2025 |
Post Time: | 16:45:33 CST |
Prior Notice: | 0 |
Reqrd Rsp Desc: | No response required |
Rsp Date: | |
Rsp Time: | |
TSP: | 007933021 |
Notice Text:
Subject: Operational Flow Order - Imbalance
Transco has provided notice of limited flexibility to manage imbalances and recommended shippers maintain a concurrent balance of receipts and deliveries. In order to ensure maintenance of line pack, maintain safe, efficient and reliable services, manage imbalances, and handle other within-the-day volatility Transco is issuing an Operational Flow Order (OFO) as indicated below. Retro scheduling activity will not be available for all zones across the Transco system during the effective period of this OFO.
Beginning Gas Day: |
Monday, January 6, 2025 9:00 AM CT |
Ending Gas Day: |
Until Further Notice |
OFO Area(s): |
Zone 4, 5, 6 |
Type of OFO: |
Imbalance |
Type of Imbalance: |
Due From Shipper & Due To Shipper |
Transactions Include: |
Deliveries* |
Beginning Cycle: |
Timely |
Duration: |
Until Further Notice |
Tolerance % Allowed (or 1000 dth, Zone whichever is greater): |
Due From Shipper 5% & Due To Shipper 10%
Affected Shipper(s) (DUNS #):*** |
Affected Location(s) (DRN #/Loc ID):**** |
All |
Retro Scheduling Available |
No |
OBA Subject to OFO: |
No |
If Yes, OBA Parties (DUNS #):*** |
* OFO based on all transactions with deliveries in affected OFO area.
**OFO based on all transactions with receipts in affected OFO area.
*** If specific DUNS #s have been identified, only imbalances created by those shippers/OBA parties will be subject to the OFO provisions.
****If specific DRN #/Loc ID's have been identified, only imbalances created at those location(s) will be subject to the OFO provisions.
This OFO is directed to shippers consistent with Section 52 of Transco's FERC Gas Tariff General Terms and Conditions with a minimum of $50 per dt per day penalty. This OFO will continue until further notice. Buyers with imbalances greater than the allowed tolerance will be subject to penalties specified in Section 52 of Transco's FERC Gas Tariff General Terms and Conditions.
Additional information on Operational Flow Orders is available at this link:
Please contact your Transportation Services Representative if you have any questions.