Vector Pipeline Operationally Available Capacity

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ID Loc Flow QTI Zone DC OPC TSQ OAC IT All Reason
AH1 Athens Compressor Eastbound D MLQ 1,284,300 1,351,485 261,025 1,090,460 N Y
AH1 Athens Compressor Westbound D MLQ 1,284,300 1,348,290 612,659 735,631 N Y
VX091 Bluewater Energy Center D DPQ 250,000 250,000 0 250,000 N Y
CAS151 Cassopolis D DPQ 12,200 12,200 3,592 8,608 N Y
CM151 Crete D DPQ 109,080 109,080 0 109,080 N Y
CP151 Crown Point D DPQ 606,000 606,000 99,404 506,596 Y Y
VX088 DTE Gas-BWEC D DPQ 0 0 0 0 N Y
GU151 Guardian D DPQ 848,400 848,800 232,626 616,174 N Y
HD151 Hartland D DPQ 202,000 202,000 100,581 101,419 N Y
HL1 Highland Compressor Eastbound D MLQ 1,344,900 1,380,394 976,917 403,477 N Y
HL1 Highland Compressor Westbound D MLQ 1,344,900 1,348,290 721,240 627,050 N Y
JM151 Jackson D DPQ 166,050 166,050 44,986 121,064 N Y
JL1 Joliet Compressor Eastbound D MLQ 1,321,000 1,390,890 296,225 1,094,665 N Y
JL1 Joliet Compressor Westbound D MLQ 1,321,000 1,234,335 297,676 936,659 N Y
LP151 La Porte D DPQ 151,500 151,500 0 151,500 N Y
MG101 Marengo D DPQ 30,300 30,300 8,473 21,827 N Y
VX040 MGU-Marshall D DPQ 35,350 35,350 0 35,350 N Y
NB101 Northern Border D DPQ 0 0 0 0 N Y
MA151 Peoples Smith Road D DPQ 282,800 282,800 127,187 155,613 N Y
RM151 Ray D DPQ 240,000 120,000 39,200 80,800 N Y
SP1 Springville Compressor Eastbound D MLQ 1,286,500 1,354,680 264,617 1,090,063 N Y
SP1 Springville Compressor Westbound D MLQ 1,286,500 1,234,335 492,659 741,676 N Y
ST101U St. Clair (US) D DPQ 1,290,000 1,385,001 1,291,634 93,367 Y Y
SJEC151 St. Joseph Energy Center D DPQ 126,250 126,250 120,000 6,250 N Y
WA1 Washington Compressor Eastbound D MLQ 1,303,000 1,366,868 1,302,937 63,931 N Y
WA1 Washington Compressor Westbound D MLQ 1,303,000 1,906,350 567,138 1,339,212 N Y