DTM Birdsboro Pipeline Critical Notices

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All information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.

Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
Computer System Status 02/09/23 02/09/23 500 Initiate RESOLVED - TRELLIS NOTICES BRD
Computer System Status 01/31/23 01/31/23 493 Initiate TRELLIS NOTICE ISSUE BRD 01-31-2023
Computer System Status 04/19/22 04/19/22 418 Initiate TRELLIS ISSUES 4-19-2022 RESOLVED BRD
Computer System Status 04/19/22 04/19/22 410 Initiate TRELLIS ISSUES 4-19-2022 BRD
Computer System Status 04/14/20 04/14/20 270 Initiate TRELLIS SYSTEM OUTAGE - BRD 04-14 REMIND
Computer System Status 04/09/20 04/09/20 264 Initiate TRELLIS SYSTEM OUTAGE - BRD 04-14
Other 03/13/20 03/13/20 257 Initiate DTE MIDSTREAM COVID-19 UPDATE - BRD 3-13
Computer System Status 04/24/19 04/24/19 169 Initiate TRELLIS SYSTEM UPGRADE/SYSTEM OUTAGE
Computer System Status 04/18/19 04/18/19 164 Initiate TRELLIS SYSTEM UPGRADE/SYSTEM OUTAGE