Eagle Ford Midstream Critical Notices

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Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 02/21/25 02/21/25 02/22/25 203759 OFO Lifted, effective 02/22/2025
COMPUTER SYSTEM STATUS 02/21/25 02/21/25 02/22/25 203748 Technology Upgrade Changes
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 02/19/25 02/19/25 02/25/25 203738 Declaration of OFO
OTHER 02/13/25 02/13/25 02/14/25 203737 President's Day Nominations
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/22/25 01/22/25 01/23/25 203730 OFO Lifted, eff. 01/23/2025
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 01/17/25 01/17/25 01/28/25 203725 Declaration of OFO
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 01/17/25 01/17/25 01/27/25 203717 Cold Weather Operating Conditions
OTHER 01/16/25 01/16/25 01/17/25 203710 MLK Holiday Nominations