MountainWest Pipeline Notice 35649

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Notice Type Desc Post Date/Time Notice Eff Date/Time Notice ID Subject Rsp Date/Time Notice Stat Prior Notice Reqrd Rsp
MAINT 12/10/2024 06:40 PM 12/17/2024 09:00 AM 35649 KANDA COMPRESSOR STATION CIG RESTRICTIONS 1 5
All listed times are CCT


MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP) has updated the Planned Service Outage schedule for 2024. Please review all entries for upcoming work here: MountainWest Pipeline (MWP): Construction and Maintenance Schedule (

There has been an addition to the schedule for GD December 17 and GD December 18 to restrict nominations at Kanda Compressor Station for MAPs 171, 871 to complete required compressor maintenance. Beginning Cycle 1, December 17, no nominations will be allowed for either Kanda/Col CIG REC MAP 171 or Kanda/Col CIG DEL MAP 871. Nominations will be allowed to return to full capacity beginning Cycle 4, GD December 18.

If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing or Contract Services Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.

Notice Type Desc Post Date/Time Notice Eff Date/Time Notice ID Subject Rsp Date/Time Notice Stat Prior Notice Reqrd Rsp
MAINT 12/10/2024 06:40 PM 12/17/2024 09:00 AM 35649 KANDA COMPRESSOR STATION CIG RESTRICTIONS 1 5
All listed times are CCT


MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP) has updated the Planned Service Outage schedule for 2024. Please review all entries for upcoming work here: MountainWest Pipeline (MWP): Construction and Maintenance Schedule (

There has been an addition to the schedule for GD December 17 and GD December 18 to restrict nominations at Kanda Compressor Station for MAPs 171, 871 to complete required compressor maintenance. Beginning Cycle 1, December 17, no nominations will be allowed for either Kanda/Col CIG REC MAP 171 or Kanda/Col CIG DEL MAP 871. Nominations will be allowed to return to full capacity beginning Cycle 4, GD December 18.

If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing or Contract Services Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.