MountainWest Pipeline Operationally Available Capacity - Storage

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Operationally Available Capacity: Points | Storage

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ID Loc Flow QTI Zone DC OPC TSQ OAC IT All Reason
187 AQUIFER RESERVOIR STQ 0 0 0 0 N N DC and OPC lost to data error.
98 AQUIFER STORAGE WD SW SWQ 134900 132400 10000 122400 N Y
852 CLAY BASIN NWP INJ SI SIQ 326400 320000 0 320000 N Y
152 CLAY BASIN NWP WD SW SWQ 320000 320000 0 320000 N Y
866 CLAY BASIN QPC INJ SI SIQ 217960 217960 129591 88369 Y Y
66 CLAY BASIN QPC WD SW SWQ 700000 700000 157818 542182 N Y
184 CLAY BASIN RESERVOIR STQ 0 450000 0 450000 N N OPC lost to data error.