MountainWest Pipeline Notice 35947

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Notice Type Desc Post Date/Time Notice Eff Date/Time Notice ID Subject Rsp Date/Time Notice Stat Prior Notice Reqrd Rsp
OFO 02/12/2025 08:42 AM 02/12/2025 09:00 AM 35947 MWP SYSTEM OFO NOTICE 1 5
All listed times are CCT


Due to low line pack, MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP) is issuing an OFO pursuant to MWP’s tariff sections 12.13 and 12.14 beginning in the next scheduling period until further notice. Beginning Cycle ID1 for gas day February 12, 2025, no imbalance nominations will be allowed. All receipt and delivery points will be held to nomination, and cuts will be implemented as necessary for any point not able to fulfill their obligations.

MWP’s tariff can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing or Contract Services Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.

Notice Type Desc Post Date/Time Notice Eff Date/Time Notice ID Subject Rsp Date/Time Notice Stat Prior Notice Reqrd Rsp
OFO 02/12/2025 08:42 AM 02/12/2025 09:00 AM 35947 MWP SYSTEM OFO NOTICE 1 5
All listed times are CCT


Due to low line pack, MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP) is issuing an OFO pursuant to MWP’s tariff sections 12.13 and 12.14 beginning in the next scheduling period until further notice. Beginning Cycle ID1 for gas day February 12, 2025, no imbalance nominations will be allowed. All receipt and delivery points will be held to nomination, and cuts will be implemented as necessary for any point not able to fulfill their obligations.

MWP’s tariff can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing or Contract Services Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.