MountainWest Pipeline Notice 35966

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Notice Type Desc Post Date/Time Notice Eff Date/Time Notice ID Subject Rsp Date/Time Notice Stat Prior Notice Reqrd Rsp
STORAGE 02/13/2025 11:36 AM 02/19/2025 09:00 AM 35966 CLAY BASIN CAPACITIES 1 5
All listed times are CCT


Beginning Gas Day February 19, 2025, withdrawal capacity at Clay Basin Storage on MountainWest Pipeline (MWP) will be reduced to 525 Mdth/d. Northwest Pipeline withdrawal capacity will be 320 Mdth/d.

As indicated in Notice ID #35765, Clay Basin Storage will not accept physical injections, but will accept injection nominations on a “net to zero” basis.

If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.

Notice Type Desc Post Date/Time Notice Eff Date/Time Notice ID Subject Rsp Date/Time Notice Stat Prior Notice Reqrd Rsp
STORAGE 02/13/2025 11:36 AM 02/19/2025 09:00 AM 35966 CLAY BASIN CAPACITIES 1 5
All listed times are CCT


Beginning Gas Day February 19, 2025, withdrawal capacity at Clay Basin Storage on MountainWest Pipeline (MWP) will be reduced to 525 Mdth/d. Northwest Pipeline withdrawal capacity will be 320 Mdth/d.

As indicated in Notice ID #35765, Clay Basin Storage will not accept physical injections, but will accept injection nominations on a “net to zero” basis.

If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.