MountainWest Pipeline Notice 36086
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Notice Type Desc | Post Date/Time | Notice Eff Date/Time | Notice ID | Subject | Rsp Date/Time | Notice Stat | Prior Notice | Reqrd Rsp |
STORAGE | 03/04/2025 07:30 PM | 03/06/2025 09:00 AM | 36086 | CLAY BASIN CAPACITY NOMINATION CLARIFICATION | 1 | 5 |
MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP), is issuing this notice to serve as a clarification on injection nominations at Clay Basin Storage. No change to current capacities is being made. Withdrawal capacity at Clay Basin Storage on MountainWest Pipeline (MWP) will remain at 500 Mdth/d. Northwest Pipeline withdrawal capacity will remain at 320 Mdth/d.
Effective Gas Day March 6, Timely cycle, Clay Basin Storage will not accept physical injections. However, MWP will allow injection nominations based on confirmed withdrawals by pipeline side. If the flow direction by sides is on injection for Timely and Evening cycle, MWP will cut all injection nominations to zero. For ID1, ID2 and ID3 cycles, regardless of the flow direction MWP may continue to allocate injections. If the injection quantity flow continues, the allowed injection capacity will be the EPSQ of the confirmed withdrawal quantity from the prior cycle by pipeline side.
If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.
Notice Type Desc | Post Date/Time | Notice Eff Date/Time | Notice ID | Subject | Rsp Date/Time | Notice Stat | Prior Notice | Reqrd Rsp |
STORAGE | 03/04/2025 07:30 PM | 03/06/2025 09:00 AM | 36086 | CLAY BASIN CAPACITY NOMINATION CLARIFICATION | 1 | 5 |
MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP), is issuing this notice to serve as a clarification on injection nominations at Clay Basin Storage. No change to current capacities is being made. Withdrawal capacity at Clay Basin Storage on MountainWest Pipeline (MWP) will remain at 500 Mdth/d. Northwest Pipeline withdrawal capacity will remain at 320 Mdth/d.
Effective Gas Day March 6, Timely cycle, Clay Basin Storage will not accept physical injections. However, MWP will allow injection nominations based on confirmed withdrawals by pipeline side. If the flow direction by sides is on injection for Timely and Evening cycle, MWP will cut all injection nominations to zero. For ID1, ID2 and ID3 cycles, regardless of the flow direction MWP may continue to allocate injections. If the injection quantity flow continues, the allowed injection capacity will be the EPSQ of the confirmed withdrawal quantity from the prior cycle by pipeline side.
If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.