Northwest Critical Notices

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Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 12/18/24 12/18/24 24-203 Pegram OFO Lifted 12/18/24
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/16/24 12/16/24 24-202 Overrun Entitlement Warning Lifted 12/16/24
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 12/04/24 12/04/24 24-200 Overrun Entitlement Warning North of the Kemmerer compressor 12/04/24
OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER 12/01/24 12/01/24 24-199 Pegram Notice of Recall and OFO 12/01/24
MAINTENANCE 10/30/24 10/30/24 24-190 Snake to Snake Immediate Digs - Maintenance Complete 10/30/24
MAINTENANCE 10/29/24 10/29/24 24-188 Goldendale Unit 2 Repairs - Maintenance Reminder 10/29/24
MAINTENANCE 10/25/24 10/25/24 24-186 Snake to Snake Immediate Digs and new Goldendale Outage - Maintenance Schedule U 10/25/24
MAINTENANCE 10/17/24 10/17/24 24-178 Willard CS Outage - Maintenance Reminder 10/17/24
MAINTENANCE 10/16/24 10/16/24 24-176 ew Snake to Snake Immediate Digs and Banking Warning 10/16/24
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 10/10/24 10/10/24 24-167 Stage I (3%) Overrun Entitlement Lifted 10/10/24
MAINTENANCE 10/04/24 10/04/24 24-164 Snohomish CS EST Test and Sumner CS EST Test - Maintenance Reminder 10/04/24
PIPELINE CONDITIONS 10/03/24 10/03/24 24-162 Stage I Overrun Entitlement 10/03/24
MAINTENANCE 10/01/24 10/01/24 24-158 Caldwell CS Unplanned Maintenance & Caldwell to Baker Immediate Digs 10/01/24