WBI Energy Transmission Notice 7549

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- Detail
TSP/TSP Name: 131537896 - WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.
Notice ID: 7549
Notice Type: Ovr-Undr Perf
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 7234
Critical: Y
Post D/T: 1/13/2025 @ 12:22 PM
Notice Eff D/T: 8/23/2024 @ 9:00 AM
Notice End D/T:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:

Subject: Under Performance, January 14, Timely
Notice Text: Gas Day: 1/14/25: Cycle: Timely. Due to higher than normal operating pressure, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. will be underperforming the following location(s):

#05070 MIGC-Recluse (D)

As a result, capacity will be lowered to 18,000 dkt until further notice.

Please call the Scheduling Department at 701-530-1630 if you have any questions.

Gas Day: 8/23/24: Cycle: Timely. Due to higher than normal operating pressure, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. will be underperforming the following location(s):

#05070 MIGC-Recluse (D)

As a result, capacity will be lowered to 15,000 dkt until further notice.

Please call the Scheduling Department at 701-530-1630 if you have any questions.

*** All references to Time are stated for the Central Time Zone.
- Detail
TSP/TSP Name: 131537896 - WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.
Notice ID: 7549
Notice Type: Ovr-Undr Perf
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 7234
Critical: Y
Post D/T: 1/13/2025 @ 12:22 PM
Notice Eff D/T: 8/23/2024 @ 9:00 AM
Notice End D/T:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:

Subject: Under Performance, January 14, Timely
Notice Text: Gas Day: 1/14/25: Cycle: Timely. Due to higher than normal operating pressure, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. will be underperforming the following location(s):

#05070 MIGC-Recluse (D)

As a result, capacity will be lowered to 18,000 dkt until further notice.

Please call the Scheduling Department at 701-530-1630 if you have any questions.

Gas Day: 8/23/24: Cycle: Timely. Due to higher than normal operating pressure, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. will be underperforming the following location(s):

#05070 MIGC-Recluse (D)

As a result, capacity will be lowered to 15,000 dkt until further notice.

Please call the Scheduling Department at 701-530-1630 if you have any questions.

*** All references to Time are stated for the Central Time Zone.