ANR Pipeline Company Critical Notices

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Type Posted Effective End Identifier Status Subject Response
Plnd Outage 12/20/24 01/28/25 02/05/25 12122 CAPACITY REDUCTION - Southeast Mainline - Brownsville Southbound (Posted: 12/20/24)
Plnd Outage 12/20/24 01/01/25 02/01/25 12121 CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline - Cottage Grove Southbound (Posted: 12/20/24)
Weather 12/19/24 12/20/24 12/23/24 12120 Subject: Notice of Phase 1 Cold Weather Operational Conditions (Posted: 12/19/24)
Cust Srvc 12/18/24 12/18/24 01/18/25 12119 Assessment of Extreme Condition 12/12/24 and Extreme Condition Penalty Waiver
Plnd Outage 12/11/24 12/11/24 01/17/25 12112 UPDATED CAPACITY REDUCTION Southwest Mainline Northbound (Updated: 12/11/24)
Constraint 12/11/24 12/11/24 01/13/25 12110 UPDATED CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Area - Fournerat Road Delivery and St. Landry/FL INT (Updated: 12/11/24)
Storage 12/05/24 12/09/24 12/31/49 12105 ANRPL Storage Facilities Available Capacity
Other 12/02/24 12/02/24 12/31/49 12102 Muttonville Lateral Capacity
Constraint 10/14/24 10/14/24 01/01/49 12052 UPDATED CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline - Slaughters/TGT Delivery (Updated: 10/14/24)
Maint 10/01/24 10/01/24 01/01/25 12033 CAPACITY REDUCTION: ANR Pipeline Company - Lease Emerson Via Crystal Falls (Posted: 10/1/24)
Maint 06/10/24 06/10/24 01/01/25 11841 UPDATED: CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Area (Updated 6/10/24)