ANR Pipeline Company Notice 12004

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TSP Name
ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc

Posting Date/Time
09/17/2024 9:28 am

Notice Effective Date/Time
09/17/2024 9:28 am

Notice End Date/Time
11/02/2024 8:59 am

Notice ID

Notice Status Desc

Prior Notice

Reqrd Rsp

Rsp Date/Time

DDS & MBS Posting (UPDATED: 9/17/24)

Notice Text
ANR Pipeline Storage Customers

Since the last posting, ANR Pipeline Company has extended the deadline for interruptible Rate Schedule DDS and MBS storage customers to reduce their remaining storage inventory to zero dekatherms (0 Dth) by November 1, 2024 (previously October 1, 2024).

**Previous Posting**
ANR Pipeline Company ("ANRPL") is requiring Interruptible Rate Schedule DDS and MBS storage customers to reduce their remaining storage inventory volume to zero dekatherms (0 Dth) by August 2, 2024. This posting represents the 45 days' notice period as required by ANRPL's FERC Gas Tariff under Rate Schedule DDS, Section 5.13.2(d), and Rate Schedule MBS, Section All DDS and MBS Customers must complete this reduction and have a remaining storage balance of zero (0) by the end of the gas day August 2, 2024.

ANRPL continues to allow injections into either DDS or MBS during this 45 day period provided that the ending storage balances are at zero (0) by August 2, 2024. Please be advised that daily operating conditions and firm service obligations will determine the daily level of interruptible storage activity allowed.

Additionally, Infield Storage Transfers are not currently restricted however, ANRPL is reminding all ANRPL Storage customers that pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.18.12 of ANRPL's FERC Gas Tariff, Infield Storage Transfer requests may be restricted if the request results in an increase to ANRPL's service obligations. All Infield Storage Transfer Requests will be considered on an individual basis.

ANRPL will monitor storage level inventories and update this restriction as necessary.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267.


TSP Name
ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc

Posting Date/Time
09/17/2024 9:28 am

Notice Effective Date/Time
09/17/2024 9:28 am

Notice End Date/Time
11/02/2024 8:59 am

Notice ID

Notice Status Desc

Prior Notice

Reqrd Rsp

Rsp Date/Time

DDS & MBS Posting (UPDATED: 9/17/24)

Notice Text
ANR Pipeline Storage Customers

Since the last posting, ANR Pipeline Company has extended the deadline for interruptible Rate Schedule DDS and MBS storage customers to reduce their remaining storage inventory to zero dekatherms (0 Dth) by November 1, 2024 (previously October 1, 2024).

**Previous Posting**
ANR Pipeline Company ("ANRPL") is requiring Interruptible Rate Schedule DDS and MBS storage customers to reduce their remaining storage inventory volume to zero dekatherms (0 Dth) by August 2, 2024. This posting represents the 45 days' notice period as required by ANRPL's FERC Gas Tariff under Rate Schedule DDS, Section 5.13.2(d), and Rate Schedule MBS, Section All DDS and MBS Customers must complete this reduction and have a remaining storage balance of zero (0) by the end of the gas day August 2, 2024.

ANRPL continues to allow injections into either DDS or MBS during this 45 day period provided that the ending storage balances are at zero (0) by August 2, 2024. Please be advised that daily operating conditions and firm service obligations will determine the daily level of interruptible storage activity allowed.

Additionally, Infield Storage Transfers are not currently restricted however, ANRPL is reminding all ANRPL Storage customers that pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.18.12 of ANRPL's FERC Gas Tariff, Infield Storage Transfer requests may be restricted if the request results in an increase to ANRPL's service obligations. All Infield Storage Transfer Requests will be considered on an individual basis.

ANRPL will monitor storage level inventories and update this restriction as necessary.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267.