ANR Pipeline Company Notice 12139

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TSP Name
ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc
Plnd Outage

Posting Date/Time
01/08/2025 1:05 pm

Notice Effective Date/Time
01/20/2025 9:00 am

Notice End Date/Time
01/27/2025 8:59 am

Notice ID

Notice Status Desc

Prior Notice

Reqrd Rsp

Rsp Date/Time

CAPACITY REDUCTION Southwest Mainline Northbound (Posted: 01/08/25

Notice Text
Subject: CAPACITY REDUCTION Southwest Mainline Northbound (Posted: 01/08/25)

CAPACITY REDUCTION Southwest Mainline Northbound (Posted: 01/08/25)

ANR has planned pipeline maintenance on the Southwest Mainline. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

01/20 - 01/26 Southwest Mainline Northbound (LOC #226630): 111 MMcf/d (leaving 620 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
15% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267


TSP Name
ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc
Plnd Outage

Posting Date/Time
01/08/2025 1:05 pm

Notice Effective Date/Time
01/20/2025 9:00 am

Notice End Date/Time
01/27/2025 8:59 am

Notice ID

Notice Status Desc

Prior Notice

Reqrd Rsp

Rsp Date/Time

CAPACITY REDUCTION Southwest Mainline Northbound (Posted: 01/08/25

Notice Text
Subject: CAPACITY REDUCTION Southwest Mainline Northbound (Posted: 01/08/25)

CAPACITY REDUCTION Southwest Mainline Northbound (Posted: 01/08/25)

ANR has planned pipeline maintenance on the Southwest Mainline. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

01/20 - 01/26 Southwest Mainline Northbound (LOC #226630): 111 MMcf/d (leaving 620 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
15% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267